Critial Moments
The Mobile Growth SDK
Target the right users
at the right moment
Increase Conversion
Improve App Ratings
Make Bugs Disappear
Focus Messaging
Increase Conversion
Improve App Ratings
Make Bugs Disappear
Focus Messaging
Increase Conversions
Increase your conversion rate by asking users to buy at the moment they are most likely to convert.
Use over 100 properties to target when users are engaged, activated, and not distracted.
Improve App Ratings
Increase your app rating and number of ratings by asking users to rate at the perfect moment.
Make Bugs Disappear
Shit happens. Major Bugs. Outages. Dependencies break. Deprecations. Urgent announcements.
Target only the impacted users and resolve remotely without waiting for app updates.
Smarter Feature Flags
Feature flags that can update their state based on over 100 live device conditions, user engagement history, and progressive rollouts/rollbacks.
Update conditional logic anytime from the cloud.
Targeted Messaging
Push in-app messaging to users without app updates.
Conditionally target the right users and moment for each message.
Native UI, rich formating, themed to your brand.