Feature Highlight
Increase Your App Rating
Boost your app rating and reviews by asking users to rate your app at the perfect moment with our iOS SDK.
Timing is Everything
Asking users to rate your app at the right moment in their journey can increase your average rating by over 1 star.
Our SDK helps you find the optimal moment by considering device state and user activity.
Over the Air App Updates
Update your targeting logic over the air anytime, without waiting for app store approvals.
Prevent negative reviews caused by buggy releases, outdated app versions, old OS versions, and old hardware.
A/B test your targeting and roll out the winning setup to all users.
Smarter Targeting
Focus on users who are most likely to give high ratings.
Our SDK includes filters for 14 factors that can decrease ratings, such as low battery, no network connection, and more.
Our built-in user engagement history database allows you to fine-tune your targeting based on user behaviour.
Getting Started Is Simple
1. Sign up for a free account
2. Install the Critical Moments SDK
Our quick start guide walks you through integrating our SDK into your app in only 5 lines of code!
3. Start using the features you need!
Optimize app rating, create smart feature flags, send targeted in-app-messaging, and more!
Push updates anytime over the air, without app updates.