Feature Highlight
Next Generation Privacy
Our privacy architecture enables precise targeting without collecting sensitive data.
Client Size Targeting
Instead of sending user data to the server, the server sends targeting logic to the client.
This enables precise targeting without added complexity, privacy concerns, or legal issues.
Zero Data Collection
Our architecture enables powerful targeting without data collection.
Compliance with global privacy laws is straightforward. No worries about data breaches, leaks, or misuse.
Zero Data Collection
More Powerful Targeting
Our targeting options surpass our competitors by a large margin, offering 6x more options than Firebase, all thanks to our privacy architecture.
Unlike competitors, our targeting properties update in real-time and work offline.
Target using contextual signals such as location, sensors, peripherals, system state, permissions, device state, and more.
With a source-available SDK and a self-hosted server, you can ensure your user's data is secure.
User data is never sent off their device unless you opt-in to optional services, like weather or geo-location.
Getting Started Is Simple
1. Sign up for a free account
2. Install the Critical Moments SDK
Our quick start guide walks you through integrating our SDK into your app in only 5 lines of code!
3. Start using the features you need!
Optimize app rating, create smart feature flags, send targeted in-app-messaging, and more!
Push updates anytime over the air, without app updates.